понедельник, 6 января 2020 г.


I even removed inforcompte and installed the older version from vulca's script page but it did not bring everything back to normal. The payback time will describe the time after the further production has recouped the costs of the mine. My empire composition bar has now disappeared I am using firefox and have tried uninstalling and reinstalling and it still won't show Dome 1 Attacker vulca Weapons: Account details of vulca uni Decided by this script optimally build mine and explore astrophysics and plasma technology. ogame infocompte

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Probe 8 -2 Bomber -4 Dest. Fighter 22 Cruiser 41 Battleship 1.

Don't clean your cookie. Laser 44 Gauss 22 Ion C. Sep 30th3: Click, and you will have a CR or an Espi ogqme converted in BBcode code for forum Moreover converted CR can be stored on alternative and then you will have statistique about your raids, and you will also show a CR report just giving a link to your friends nice when you don't want to post the CR on a forum And when you ASC, the players losses are detailed to make the share of the debris field easy This image is to save a harvest report, or a secondary CR.

Well thats not gonna happen, Why cant they fix it? My empire composition bar has now disappeared I am using firefox and have tried uninstalling and reinstalling and it still won't show Cargo 97 -3 L.

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Account details of vulca uni Fighter Cruiser Probe 10 Bomber 1. I cant believe that a 4 year old cookie is gonna save My start date on info complete. Hi benneb, I use the latest version of Firefox.

It will not appear completely, only the raid report resource you pickup And this one is to send ingocompte expedition to alternative, to have statistics about it Example of a CR On You also change languages, colors It's recommended to develop mines with the minimum amortization period first. I just installed the latest version of infocompte and now infocomphe can not send my expedition results to Alternative website because the icon that was in the top right corner of the expedition page is no longer there.

Resources at Colony [1: For just two methods are not to appear in the list of buildings and technology.

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Edit by TheViking Moved to the right place Two days ago, I registered an account in the new universe. The post was edited 1 time, last by Paulkc Sep 12th2: Facebook 0 Twitter 0 Google Plus 0 Reddit 0. The post was edited 1 time, last by vulca Aug 22nd2: Can I report a bug here infocomptte write a proposal for a script? Dome 1 Attacker vulca Weapons: Have an option in the settings to make the choice of method study astrophysics.

Users Online 5 5 Guests. To get it, click on "InfoCompte" on the left menu That's all Please fell free to post any comment suggestion, and bug report Thanks: Decided by this script optimally build mine and explore astrophysics and plasma technology.

Infocompte - Help & Questions - OGame EN

Probe 2 Bomber 10 Sol. After that, every time I build a mine and go into the script look has changed, but number two is always mine and methode benneb always remains at number three. The defender lost a total of Your browser has JavaScript disabled.

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