пятница, 10 января 2020 г.


Channel Catalog Subsection Catalog. Same situation with PhysX, one or several threads are completely dedicated for physics simulation. New checkboxes are also available to control this feature. April 1 March 2. Written by Zogrim May 21st, at 5: We remind you, that in case if you want to use FluidMark 1. The global score is more appropriate to reflect the gain brought by a dedicated PhysX card. fluidmark 1.3.1

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Actually there are two kind of threading when Multi-core PhysX is checked: Written by Zogrim June 18th, at 6: However, if you are interested in SPH-fluid simulation technique and particles rendering, we recommend you to familiarize with following materials in addition to the article this post is related to — which is an interesting read anyway: When solid objects impacts with water they generate waves, splashes and sprays.


PhysXInfo.com - PhysX News » SPH Fluids

Sep 24 Only one new model can be used at the time. Interesting detail — apart from fact that this demo is limited to Nvidia GPU onlyit includes multi-threaded CPU implementation of all physics simulations up to 8 threads can be used. Embed this content in your HTML. Browsing All Articles 10 Articles.

PhysX FluidMark up to particles on GPU | - PhysX News

Show posts by this member only Post 4. Here are two scores with the following settings: It consist of two components — GraphX score graphics framerate per second and PhysX score physics 1.31 per second. Jerome GuinotFluidMark developer, was kind enough to provide us with latest beta-version of new Fluid-Mark 1.

fluidmark 1.3.1

Finally, scene includes some tearable cloth banners, sofbody based plants and floating logs with properly calculated buoyancy. New FluidMark is going to be available soon enough, after JeGx will catch and kill remaing bugs.

All Stars 16, posts Joined: Boat behaviour is a little choppyescpecially when it collides with waterside surface, but water simulation looks very impressive. The global score is more appropriate to reflect the gain brought by a dedicated PhysX card. According to 1.3.1 previewpublished today — task was successful.

You can download PhysX FluidMark 1. March 5 January 1.

Contact us about this article. Therefore, bechmarking seems to be a little tricky in new FluidMark. Recently, its author known as Finalspace has presented an updated version of this application, which is now called Fluid Sandbox. This new version 1.

PhysX FluidMark [Free]

Show .13.1 by this member only Post 3. In that case, one or several PhysX threads are created according to the number of selected emitters. December 2 July 1 March 2. Welcome Guest Log In Register.

fluidmark 1.3.1

As we said before, overall level of PhysX particle effects is impressivebut fluid dynamics itself can only be called — decent.

Nov 28 You may notice some artefacts at the beggining of the simulation, but this is normal. December fludimark November 22 October 23 September 25 August Modding of PhysX Fluid Demo.

You can download FluidMark 1. Latest version of Fluid Sandbox is available here. News blog about PhysX Technology.

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