суббота, 4 января 2020 г.


Problem resolving JAXB compontents from maven repository [ message is a reply to message ]. Thanks, - thomas Report message to a moderator. No suitable provider for component javax. Perhaps someone forgot to update the meta-data or perhaps the newer versions are not considered stable? I still get the same error message: Sat, 31 October jaxb-xjc-2.1.9.jar

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I still get the same error message: Thanks for your help Damian Report message to a moderator. If that's the case, then try putting a check mark in "Continue on error", click "Resolve Breadcrumbs Home Projects Forums.


Buckminster doesn't complain in that case, but JAXB doesn't work, because of the incompatible jaxb-api. Or am I following a death track with this workaround anyway? Problem resolving JAXB compontents from maven repository [ message is a reply to message ].

Download all versions of jaxb-xjc JAR files with all dependencies

When materializing I get a messagebox, saying: Maybe the problem is, that the version isn't realy a Triplet. Page generated in 0. I tried resolving version 2. Regards, Thomas Hallgren Damian Hofmann wrote: If you can't find the source of the problem, please include the relevant parts of your rmap so that I can review them.

In the project I have the following included in my buckminster.

Index of /groups/public/com/sun/xml/bind/jaxb-xjc/

Unfortunately, when materializing the project, buckminster is unable to locate "jaxb-api. Now the error massage has changed. It's "Triplet", not "Tripple" and the component type should be "maven".

I have experimented with jaxb-xjc-2.1.9.jae versionDescriptors und versionTypes without success. No suitable provider for component javax. Hi I have a small java 1. Thu, 29 October Sign up to our Newsletter A fresh new issue delivered monthly.

Artifact » jaxb-xjc »

Hi Thomas I still have problems with buckminster. Eclipse Community Forums Forum Search: Attempt to use an unresolved node. You're supposed to use the slash to separate the groupId from the artifactId. It seems that buckminster downloads now most components but still has troubles with resolving jaxb-api. Sat, 31 October My rmap looks like jaxb-xj-2.1.9.jar Problem resolving JAXB compontents from maven repository [ message ].


Rejecting jwxb-xjc-2.1.9.jar maven2 http: Thanks, - thomas Report message to a moderator. Fri, 30 October This looks like this: As an workaround I have added a new locator to my rmap, that locates the requestet jar as an url.

Hi Damian, The names of your dependencies seems a bit wrong. NullPointerException when bundle depends on the system bundle.

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