воскресенье, 29 декабря 2019 г.


I fail to understand. He was cheeky, his laugh seemed genuine, and when he suddenly got angry it was scary as fuck and very surprising. You may also like. He barged in when Mizuhito was doing naughty things to Yuriko. Illustrations and character designs are by the very talented Amano Chigiri , and I shall build a temple in her honour and pray that she illustrates more otoges, because her artwork makes my world go round. More often than not R Otome games tend to just head into the forest world of rape for no reason, ruining perfectly likeable characters for no justifiable reason. chou no doku hana no kusari drama cd

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Chou no Doku Hana no Kusari by Yuka | Free Listening on SoundCloud

He also has this one bad ending that has absolutely nothing to do with him that goes off on a completely different tangent that I absolutely hnaa. So congratulations Chou no Dokufor not ruining any characters for me. Contrary to my expectations, this turned out to be one of my favourite routes.

Unngh my kokoro aches.

chou no doku hana no kusari drama cd

Thanks a lot about review! Ever since then, Mizuhito has enjoyed the company of the women that walk the re-light district, and Yuriko feels he is a lost cause. Most recent otoge review Review: And man, it was jaw-dropping at some points.

To keep it or not to keep it? Yuriko might be of legal age, but that doesn't change the fact that he's twice her age. The only thing dc left me wondering is one question. It was a straight drop into pitch black darkness.

Chou no Doku Hana no Kusari : Bonus CD -

Kelly Taylor chou no doku hana no kusari spoilers. I'm not buying that, sorry. What to say about his route? Pity the protagonist doesn't have a voice Their love scenes were magnificent and god I ship them so hard.

I don't know if it's just that I hadn't played an otoge in a very long time, but I enjoyed the shit out of this little golden egg. I would kuasri you forever. I must say, this ending is the shortest ending, which last not even 5 minutes. Playing all other routes was worth it to get this golden egg. It took me a bit to get used to it, but it was great. Want to see more posts tagged chou no doku hana no kusari?

Tag: Chou no Doku Hana no Kusari

Good for stupid people like me. Nothing wrong with that right?

chou no doku hana no kusari drama cd

I did, however, like how throughout the game and in all other routes Fujita is Yuriko's one and only certain ally, and it was very sweet to watch that develop into a more profound sentiment. It honesty shocked me when he did and I found myself very disturbed by the scene. By this point, you should be beat red as much as me.

Please, these two together were so sweet I awwwwed and daaaaawwwed throughout their whole route. I ended up enjoying his bad hqna the most. He was cheeky, his laugh seemed genuine, and when he suddenly got angry it was scary as fuck and very surprising. It was so funny, especially at the climax. I didn't buy the whole hate-to-love transition.

chou no doku

I had to go into the soundtrack extras to change the bg music to something cheery. However the vast majority of the OST was great, and I actually listened to some of the pieces afterwards. Junji Majima Fujita the butler dude: I think this page here may be of use to you.

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